to Solo in the Spotlights was born out of a desire to shed light on aspects of the performer's life that rarely reach the stage, while also underscoring the internal rifts caused by role performance, and the effects that dance institutions can have on the artists who inhabit them.
Through dance, words and video projections, the soloist explores aspects of life on stage, and the transformations a body faces when placed in the spotlight. In a split between body and image, the dancer breaks down, concealing or showing parts of himself in an attempt to meet the typical demands of his profession.
Illustrating personal experiences and the testimonies of others, to Solo in the Spot lights shines a spotlight on a performer who, after years of silence, takes the floor and questions: how to find authenticity when there is a role from fill? Is it possible to please audiences, employers and oneself?
Inspired by the stories of great people and their famous performers, to Solo in the Spotlights tries to answer to these questions.
A dedication to Norma, Amy and to who wants to dance.
Vittorio Pagani is a performer and choreographer originally from Milan, Italy. Born in 2000, he studied ballet and contemporary dance with teachers such as René De Cardenas and Annalì Rainoldi. In 2018 he joins Ballet Junior de Genève where he dances in the creations of some of the most renowned choreographers to international level (Hofesh Shechter, Roy Assaf, Marcos Morau, Jan Martens...). In 2021 he created the step to two Around 5:65, which was selected for RIDCC2022. He has a Master's degree in Expanded Dance Practice, completed in 2023 under the supervision of Hilary Stainsby and Martin Hargreaves at the University of Arts London. to The Place London creates to Solo in the Spotlights: this creation participates to Resolution2023 (UK), Young Author's Dance Showcase (IT) and is selected for the international platform Aerowaves in 2024, and is presented in several Italian theaters. A freelance dancer and choreographer, he investigates themes of performativity and subversion in his works, developing a movement research in which precision and physicality build a dance of metaphors and symbols.
conception and creation Vittorio Pagani
interpreter Vittorio Pagani
assistant dramaturg Hannes Langolf, Martin Hargreaves
original texts Vittorio Pagani
video Vittorio Pagani
production The Place London
LARVÆ co-production
lighting design Mark Webber
costumes Bruna Scazzosi
in collaboration with Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria
creation selected for Aerowaves 2024 and Young Dance Author Showcase 2023 - Network Antibodies XL
The play uses profane language
Please be advised that dates and times may be subject to change.
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La MaMa Umbria International
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
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Il Posto / Wanda Moretti
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