The Perugia-based C. U. T., Center for Alternative Pedagogy, for the second year in a row at the Festival (it happened already in ′63 and ′64), presents a metatheatrical performance, a real time, female jam session, which testifies to the state of original research arising from the Psychonautical Way traced from R. Ruggieri over years of exploration beyond the boundaries of theater understood as representation.
Guest of honor Ludwik Flaszen, co-founder with J. Grotowski of the glorious Teatr Laboratorium, lecturer from twenty years at C.U.T. Perugia.
The psychonaut performer is an author, writing in his own peculiar ink and drawing from it using himself as a pen. He tries to decipher the elusive enigma of life and theater, recording in progress his own authorial fading. He tries to find meaning in the ineffability of himself and the occult messages and meanings coming from life and theater.
It has been and remains the seed of research, true unquenchable source.
The psychonaut performer, chasing his own daimon, inextricably joined to him as to his own shadow, breaks through--to try to grasp it.
The negative way, metaphysical tension in tollere, is demanding oblivion, a progressive renunciation of outward action from on the part of the performer, as a function of his own inner act, con-tained, wholly sufficient, able as it is, in the state of impulse, to furtively evoke action to our memory as witnesses, devoid of unnecessary extroversion.
A non-redundant, yet unique event, an unpredictable session, unrepeatable as a performative act, each evening different according to the intuitions, the beats of the performers′ wings through their sober, intact and restrained presence.
Sunday 26 - at 7:00 p.m.
6 o'clock Theater
Finally, the verb
Conference by Ludwik Flaszen.
Ludwik Flaszen is co-founder and co-animator with Jerzy Grotowski of the Teatr Laboratorium in Wroclaw, lecturer from twenty years at the Center for Alternative Pedagogy at C.U.T. Perugia.
responsible designer and director Roberto Ruggieri
F to D E - O U T
Backstage d′author fade
Psychonautical session
Emanuela Filippelli
Irene Lepore
directed by Roberto Ruggieri
C.U.T. Perugia
Province of Perugia
year of production 2011