Fondazione Carla Fendi
Science Talk
Conversazioni scientifiche
Science, fertile ground of different disciplines, in continuous and even unexpected evolution is the subject of conversations, debates, and interventions that tell its story through different topics, from Sustainability to Artificial Intelligence. In collaboration with the Embassy of France, prominent international personalities intervene and talk about new horizons, useful synergies, probable contaminations. It is the New Science that raises issues of ethics, social and environmental economic challenges. More benefits or more risks?
to discuss ILARIA CAPUA internationally renowned scientist and JOYEETA GUPTA professor of Environment and Development at the University of Amsterdam and of Sustainability at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, both on the topic of climate emergency. BERTRAND BRAUNSCHWEIG scientific coordinator consultant of the French Confience Ai program and Father PAOLO BENANTI President of the Algorithms Commission of Palazzo Chigi, will speak on the ethics of AI. SILVIA BENCIVELLI science journalist will moderate.
Please be advised that dates and times may be subject to change.
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Fondazione Carla Fendi
Fondazione Carla Fendi
Italo Carmignani, Danilo Capezzani
Damiano Michieletto